Daniel Dumas


I’m a writer, producer, and consultant based in California. Currently I serve as Editor at Large for Esquire where I tell stories about everything from art theft to the science of getting good sleep. As a consultant I help companies hone media strategies. I also invest in startups both as an angel and LP.

For a complete list of my work see my LinkedIn. If you'd like to get in touch just send a message via Contact

You have 30 minutes to move your cube.


Writer + Segment Producer

Travel Channel

Watch an episode of Booze Traveler. Those witty lines of voiceover Jack says in between takes? I get to write some of those lines. 




I Survived a Tornado 

Segment Producer

Weather Channel

How does one live through 200 mph winds that turn everyday objects into lethal shrapnel? Those questions are answered by the segments I write and produce for this show.

I F-ing Love Science

Head Writer

Science Channel

Why are bananas radioactive? What kinds of creatures are born, live, and die inside a whale carcass? These are all questions answered by I Fucking Love Science. Sadly the project fell apart before it could air but! I’ll gladly send sample scripts that are rife with both science facts and dick jokes.
